
Organic Chemistry Fessenden Pdf
Organic Chemistry Fessenden Pdf

Organic Chemistry Fessenden Pdf

ALKYL HALIDES SUBSTITUTION AND ELIMINATION REACTIONS Types of Organohalogen Compounds / Nomenclature and Classification of Alklyl Halides / A Preview of Substitution and Elimination Reactions / The SN2 Reaction / The SN1 Reaction / Substitution Reactions of Allylic Halides and Benzylic Halides / The E1 Reaction / The E2 Reaction / Factors Governing Substitution and Elimination Reactions / Synthesizing Other Compounds from Alkyl Halides 6. STEREOCHEMISTRY Geometric Isomerism in Alkenes / Geometric Isomerism in Cyclic Compounds / Conformations of Open-Chain Compounds / Shapes of Cyclic Compounds / The Conformers of Cyclohexane / Chirality / Rotation of Plane-Polarized Light / Assignment of Configuration: the and (S) System / More Than One Chiral Carbon / Prochirality / Resolution of a Racemic Mixture 5. STRUCTURAL ISOMERISM, NOMENCLATURE, AND ALKANES Structural Isomers / How Organic Nomenclature Developed / A Survey of Organic Nomenclature / Alkenes / The Hydrocarbon Resources 4. ORBITALS AND THEIR ROLE IN COVALENT BONDING Properties of Waves / Bonding in Hydrogen / Some General Features of Bonding and Antibonding Orbitals / Hybrid Orbitals of Carbon / Functional Groups / Hybrid Orbitals of Nitrogen and Oxygen / Conjugated Double Bonds / Benzene / Resonance 3. ATOMS AND MOLECULES-A REVIEW Electron Structure of the Atom / Atomic Radius / Electronegativity / Introduction to the Chemical Bond / Chemical Formulas in Organic Chemistry / Attractions Between Molecules / Acids and Bases 2.

Organic Chemistry Fessenden Pdf

OL2736301W Page-progression lr Page_number_confidence 91.15 Pages 1100 Pdf_module_version 0.0.20 Ppi 350 Related-external-id urn:isbn:0534352596 OL4267488M Openlibrary_subject textbooks Openlibrary_work Urn:lcp:organicchemistry00fess:epub:8d2bdd34-4bd3-43b9-8c62-1aaec57e641e Extramarc OhioLINK Library Catalog Foldoutcount 0 Identifier organicchemistry00fess Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t2c83gp0d Isbn 0871507528Ġ534980090 Lccn 81013496 Ocr ABBYY FineReader 8.0 Ocr_converted abbyy-to-hocr 1.1.7 Ocr_module_version 0.0.13 Openlibrary OL4267488M Openlibrary_edition Access-restricted-item true Addeddate 18:53:57 Boxid IA106301 Boxid_2 CH110101 Camera Canon EOS 5D Mark II City Boston DonorĪlibris Edition 2nd ed.

Organic Chemistry Fessenden Pdf