On the menu bar, click Help > Settings….The language setting on PIX4Dmapper can be changed at any time: Type the Email and Password of the account and click Loginġ2.1 Request PIX4Dmapper now (free trial) to activate a 15-day trial.ġ2.2 Use Pix4Ddiscovery to activate the limited version.ġ2.3 Available licenses to select among existing licenses on the account.Read the End-User License Agreement, select I accept the terms in the License Agreement, and click Next.Logging in to PIX4Dmapper by using the Pix4D account credentials.
The first time the software opens, the window PIX4Dmapper Login appears:. A shortcut is created on the desktop and the software opens automatically once the installation is completed. (optional) In the software information window: " Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?", click Yes. to change the destination path for the installation and click Next. In the pop-up PIX4Dmapper Setup, in the screen Welcome to the PIX4Dmapper Setup Wizard, click Next. (optional) If the pop-up Open file - Security Warning appears, click Run.
Once the software has been downloaded, install it by the steps below:
Download PIX4Dmapper Stable or PIX4Dmapper Preview. Enable remote device deactivation Download